Getting to Oxford from London – The Oxford “Tube” Coach

You want to go to Oxford from London. You can drive, quickest, quite easy. Lovely.

Or you can get a train. Nice, bug can be expensive if you haven’t booked early. On the day I checked, it was… (check, maybe £20-30 ). If you can book early, and get a £10 return train, then this is a great way to travel.

And then you have a coach. The Oxford tube or Oxford Express, the price is the chief advantage of these, £15 for a day return.

The Oxford Tube Coach had 8 seats down stairs facing each other with a table between. I think these would be the best seats for use with a laptop.

Upstairs is all normal coach seating. Nice airconditioning. A toilet is also available on board. The Sunday morning 9am trip was only about half full. Which meant I was ale to have 2 seats to myself. A blessing for a good journey.

The journey by car, takes about 45minutes, but coach, that time is doubled, to 90. 

The Merry Wives of Windsor Review


Rating, 4.5 Globes out of 5 image

The music, The costumes, The fun

It’s fun, accessible Shakespeare

The most laughs I’ve had at a globe performance to date.



Just a reminder that the most enjoyable performance by an actor or actress, went to the funny character from the Merchant of Venice, I think


Other plays at the globe I’ve seen.

2008 Season  
King Lear 8 out of 10
Amazing storm and eye gouging scene. Wow.
The Merry Wives of Windsor 9 out of 10.
Such fun.
Love’s Labour’s Lost  


2007 Season  
Othello 7 out of 10
The Merchant of Venice 8 out of 10

Other Reviews:

***** "Christopher Luscombe’s production brims with  humanity, ingenuity and irresistible charm, and boasts a magnificent Falstaff in Christopher Benjamin... Serena Evans and Sarah Woodward make one of the funniest double acts I have ever seen on the stage... As we all stood up to applaud at the end, I felt that this was not just theatre but the capital at its very best" Sunday Telegraph

Touch Rugby Spring Clapham – Good Season. Yes Ma’am and Touch and Go

After a good season we came 2nd in both or finals last night.

We lost the mixed in a drop-off about 4-3

We lost the men’s by two, about 5-3. It was good to play Shaun and Zhayne’s team again. Their team played really well.

We led both comps the whole way, but lost it at the final, missing a few players – Lukey, Johnnie, and carrying a few injuries.

Both very entertaining games, and well reffed by an injured Chris Wheeler. Bring on the Summer Season!

The following are the tables at the end of the comp, but before the finals.





May he rest in peace.

An acquaintance in Queensland, Australia passed away recently. Please keep him and his wife and kids in your prayers.

Eternal rest grant unto him O’Lord, may perpetual light shine upon him, may he rest in peace. Amen

When coming to live over in England for a year or so, one of the chief struggles can be in finding a place, a cheap place to stay. One of the pitfalls can be that you have to move someone quickly, so you end up not being able to find the best place.

A new website will help. It’s called lived there and the premise is simple, and I think great. If you have lived at a place, you review it.

If you have found an add for a place, you can check this site and see what reviews the landlord and the place have. Genius. Wish I had’ve thought of it.

If you are renting in London now, give it a try, review a previous, or even your current dwelling. You can post the reviews anonymous. Go on, do it now, give something back.

Wordl – Word Maps

Wouldn’t it be great to see a word map and learn which words you commonly use, which people are even subconsciously important to you? Well, you can! Simply take some text, say a few blog entries and paste them in to and generate a word map. Here are two that I did.

The first, from my review of the Chartres 2008 Pilgrimage:


The second, from my resume:



Best Star Trek Reviews. Ever. Nuff Said.

Magic, Mystery Derren Brown

"I am not a mindreader, I do not have psychic powers", he said, and then preceded with a performance that would seem to contract that. Mindreading, predicting peoples names and questions.

For my birthday my brother bought me tickets to see the english magician Derren Brown. He is a wonderful performer, has a number of tv shows.

He is nice performer, when a lady asked him to predict if she would be a millionaire, he told her that he would not answer yes or no, because it could affect her for the rest of her life. He was genuinely concerned not to mess up her life.

At times he seemed too good to be true. His predictions were spot on. He guessed types of animals, eg you have a cat.. no rabbit, names eg I am getting the name of a person it's like Susan, but with a different spelling Suziz... is there anyone with that name... yes.... He told us that he didn't use stooges, but he was so good, that I think he needed to convince us more.

Wonderful man.

Relationships and finance. Tips for the future.

from zenhabits.

1. Sit down and talk about financial goals and values
one person might want to be frugal in order to save for future goals,
while the other might like to spend and enjoy things now, while the
getting is good. The differences often come from different upbringings,
and they can be emotionally charged.

Remove emotions from financial talk. From your first
meetings about financial goals to your subsequent weekly talks (see
Step 5), it’s important that the two of you stay calm, don’t get hurt
or angry over any of the issues, and try to look at these issues

Review your goals regularly.

Above all, stay positive and be honest. Remember: you’re a team

King Lear at the Globe

With Damien and Anna, Mary, Sarina and James, Scott, Monica O'Shea. Always a good production at the Globe. GREAT natural sound effects for the storm.